Monday, July 16, 2012

Color Throw

Color Me Rad-5k Color Run - Color Throw

The South Shore Plaza had a 5K Color Run on Sunday. Runners were covered in colored cornstarch during the race and at the end, groups threw color up in the air all at the same time.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012


Learning to fly

There is a pole in the Squantum Marshes that Osprey have built a nest in. The one on the left had just awoken and was flapping it's wings and kind of hopping about in the nest.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

The Boston fireworks that weren't

Well, I went out to shoot Boston's fireworks last night. There was a thunder cell passing over the city, and I was on the highest ground in the city. The Park Rangers closed the park and had everyone leave because of the storm coming in. They also temporarily evacuated the main viewing site.

Well the show went on, but I had already left. Turns out that about an hour after I left, two people got hit by lightning. Yikes.

Anyway, I got a few shots of small fireworks before I packed it up.

Fireworks in Dorchester 2012

Fireworks in Dorchester 2012

Fireworks in Dorchester 2012